Agriculture and Sustainability.

Venturing into agriculture has allowed us to further expand our business portfolio while also playing a more significant role in contributing to the economy’s growth while promoting sustainable practices. In addition, we have opened new markets and opportunities for growth. Our efforts have not only resulted in increased revenues but also helped generate employment.

Ever mindful of our responsibilities in respect of the planet, Langeland specifically supports a carbon offset programme in partnership with Gourgey & Santos Empreendimentos Agricolas.

Furthermore, when undertaking any development or renovation projects, we try and use environmentally friendly materials and sustainable products and endeavour to match every acre we develop with the preservation of an acre of wild land.

We are reducing our carbon emissions from vehicles and offices by electrifying our fleet of cars, making our office spaces more sustainable and encouraging home working.

We are currently exploring the use of natural plants and their potential uses for medicinal purposes.

It is only through initiatives like these that we can bring our sustainable aspirations to life. We firmly believe a respectful and sustainable business is one more likely to succeed over time, benefiting our investment and above all our society.